Cleantech Israel, a new group that enables entrepreneurs, investors, academics, government officials and others to meet and exchange ideas about Israel’s renewable energy, water, and environmental technology sectors, held its second event this week in Herzliya Pituach.
The event featured a presentation by Alon Tamari, Co-CEO of SolarPower Israel — the largest solar integration company in Israel — followed by time for networking by the ~70 people in attendance.
The group’s first event in March included presentations by Jack Levy, General Partner at Israel Cleantech Ventures, and Eran Yarkoni, Founder and CEO of EnStorage, a company developing an innovative fuel cell technology.
Similar networking groups exist in other emerging clean technology clusters, like Boston and Silicon Valley, and I am excited about the prospects for a group in Israel.
With almost 500 cleantech-related companies, and venture capital firms with hundreds of millions of dollars to invest in the industry, there is certainly a lot to discuss.
For more information about Cleantech Israel, please visit the group’s web page or feel free to contact me directly.