Meir Ukeles of Israel Cleantech Ventures recently provided an update on the cleantech sector in Israel, published on the "Cleantech Investing" blog.
Ukeles notes a growing trend of Israeli "serial entrepreneurs" who are launching their newest companies in the cleantech sector. He points out that Israel has been especially successful in producing companies that specialize in "a broad spectrum of water efficiency, quality and treatment technologies, power electronics and energy storage, as well as some aspects of solar energy."
He concludes, however, that "the simple truth is that Israel’s most important resource is its entrepreneurs – a seemingly inexhaustible supply of talented business people and technologists who excel at looking beyond traditional ways of solving market problems and inefficiencies. That, coupled with the truly colossal demand for technologies to address the world’s insatiable need for clean, accessible energy, water and air, is what is already putting Israel on the map as a global cleantech player."